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We Build Denmark - Droplet

In 2023 EU launched a major investment - a total of DKK 1.65 billion - to accelerate the development of responsible artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe.

This investment is also known as Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs), which are specialized large-scale facilities to test and experiment with state-of-the art AI and robotics solutions. These facilities are open to all European technology providers wanting to test both soft-and hardware AI products and services in real-world environments.

There are in total four TEFs each with a specialized focus: Agrifood, Health, Manufacturing and Smart Cities and Communities. The TEF for Smart Cities and Communities is called and consists of a large consortium with more than 30 partners across Europe, providing a permanent facility that will give companies access to test AI-based products.

Why is this relevant for you?

As one of the leading partners in the consortium, WE BUILD DENMARK with DOLL Living Lab plays a crucial role in as a key test site for responsible AI development and deployment. It serves as a neutral platform where public and private stakeholders can collaborate on testing, validating, and showcasing AI-powered solutions for smart cities. DOLL Living Lab's expertise in outdoor lighting, intelligent traffic systems, Local Digital Twins and other Smart City technologies provides a valuable test bed.

If you test your solution at our living lab, you will benefit from:

  1. A Real-World Testing Environment: DOLL Living Lab offers a 400-acre outdoor living lab environment that replicates real-world urban settings, enabling developers and researchers to test their AI solutions in realistic conditions. This allows for thorough evaluation of AI performance, safety, and adaptability to various environmental factors.

  2. Virtual Testing Environment with Real Time City Data: On top of our physical test zone, we offer AI companies to train their AI product on real time city data, providing realistic conditions.

  3. Collaboration and Co-Creation: DOLL Living Lab facilitates collaboration among academia, industry, and public authorities, fostering a dynamic ecosystem for AI innovation. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, it promotes knowledge sharing, cross-disciplinary partnerships, and the development of integrated AI solutions e.g. with our Local Digital Twin development.

  4. Market Dialogues and Demonstration: DOLL Living Lab serves as a showcase for innovative AI applications, providing opportunities for demonstration, market dialogues, and feedback from potential users and stakeholders. This helps refine AI solutions and accelerate their adoption in real-world scenarios.

  5. Fostering Responsible AI Development: DOLL Living Lab adheres to responsible AI principles, ensuring that tested solutions are developed and deployed ethically, transparently, and in compliance with public authority. It promotes human-centric AI that benefits society and enhances the quality of life in smart cities. offers a unique opportunity to work with seasoned organizations, cities, and technical institutions to thoroughly test and refine your AI product, ensuring its market readiness and unlocking its full potential.

Want to know more? Reach out to Innovation Manager, Clara Røder.

Funded by

We Build Denmark - Stripes
We Build Denmark - Logo
We BUild Denmark - Cluster Management Excellence


Liljens Kvarter 2

2620 Albertslund

CVR-nr.: 41857331

Uddanelses- og Forskningsministeriet
Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse
Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse